Fed Up

I’m fed up with faces on screens

Endless memes about 2020

and what a shit show it’s been

I’m fed up with working from home

Living alone and seeing

no one’s face but my own

I’m fed up with lockdown

With going around in circles

not able to leave my town

I’m fed up with walking for the sake of it

An attempt to keep fit and snatch

a breath of fresh air, but I’m over it

I’m fed up with covering my face

Keeping my space and nodding politely

when I want to embrace

I’m fed up with rules and restrictions

All these contradictions and not knowing

what’s fact and what’s fiction

I’m fed up with not seeing my friends

When will this end and

when can I hug you again?

One Comment on “Fed Up”

  1. Wout Van Leeuwen says:

    1000% agree, I barely remember the lives we lived before this year. It’s been a year but it feels like a decade!😭

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